Sound Healing

Sound is one of the most powerful forces we can use to transform energy.

Ancient cultures knew this: Pythagoras, early Vedic philosophers, Shamans and Aboriginals all used song, toning, drumming, and various other instruments for healing. Sound Healing is the therapeutic application of sound frequencies and vibrations to the physical, mental and emotional bodies of a person, with the intention of bringing them into a better state of harmony, balance, and inner peace.

I work with many instruments including my voice, Crystal and Tibetan Bowls, Shamanic Drum, Gong, Solfeggio Frequency Pipes, Tuning Forks and percussion both around, and directly on the body (in sonic massage). This takes the form of both 1-1 healing sessions and regular group Sound Baths (click here for more info). You receive the sound fully relaxed, lying down in a comfortable position, working with your own healing intention.

Sound healing works because all parts of us, physical and etheric, are resonating at different frequencies. We all have various natural frequencies of vibration and when healthy, these are in harmony. However, if one part becomes blocked or stagnant and cannot vibrate at its natural frequency it may produce discord and dis-ease. By applying healthy sound waves and harmonic vibrations, these areas of blocked resonance may be entrained towards harmony. Absorbed at a cellular level, the body’s organs and systems can be retuned and helped to vibrate again at their natural frequency, restoring wholeness and repairing damage caused by stress and emotional or physical trauma.

At the root of everything is vibration; all of us are made of energy oscillating at different frequencies.

Modern science today confirms what these ancient cultures have always known, and there are now many studies proving the efficacy of sound for healing in clinical environments. The sounds induce a deep state of relaxation by allowing our brain wave pattern to drop from the busy, awake Beta state into the more meditative Alpha and Theta states. This is the frequency required for healing, allowing total rest.

In daily life we are often running in a state of ‘fight or flight’, activating the sympathetic nervous system and releasing stress hormones, which over long periods is damaging for the body. Sound can calm the nervous system and facilitate mind - heart coherence, reminding us of who we truly are underneath our defences and coping patterns.

Sound can help you:

  • with stress and anxiety relief

  • sleep more deeply and fully

  • regulate the nervous system

  • clear physical, emotional and mental blocks

  • to experience relief and healing for joint and muscle pain, migraines (sonic massage)

  • heal past trauma

  • ‘rewire’ negative thought patterns

  • connect to and feel safe in your body (grounding)

  • have more energy, recover faster from surgery & trauma

  • gain greater self-awareness

  • gain clarity on emotional and life issues/decisions and direction, increase creativity

  • deepen your spiritual path, connection to something ‘more’

I will almost always recommend for those of you feeling called to this work, to also start a course of talking therapy. This will really help you to process whatever experience it is that is unfolding in your life, and complements the hands-on sound healing work very well, as things may be brought up into your conscious awareness to be processed. I strongly recommend this particularly for those who come to this work looking to heal past trauma, or struggling with anxiety, depression, other mental illness, addiction, or chronic physical illness. Please click here to read more about this and the healing journey, and for therapist recommendations.

What to expect during a session

A 1-1 Sound Healing session is an hour long, including a consultation where we can discuss why you’re coming for healing and which instruments might best support you. I would always recommend a series of sessions (3 or 6) if tackling a specific issue, to allow you time to develop a relationship with this modality. If you’re new to sound healing, you can always book one to see how you get on and go from there.

1 hour session £45

2 hour session with sound healing and energy healing £90

I am also able to weave sound healing into my bodywork sessions, such as:

2 hour bodywork session inc. full sound healing. £105

2.5 hour bodywork (full body) session inc. full sound healing £105

Deep dive healing session: 3 hour inc. bodywork, energy and sound healing £145

If you block book sessions in a series of 3, I offer a £15 discount per session (ie. 3 x 1 hour sessions = £120, 3 x 2 hour energy and sound = £255)

Concession prices are always available too, as I want to make the work accessible to everyone! Please don’t hesitate to ask.