Hi, I’m Emma.

My journey into holistic health started during university, where podcasts enlightened me to the power of lifestyle medicine. During the years since then I have explored and delved deeper into these practices, and discovered the world of alternative healing therapies, which have undoubtedly made me a much happier, healthier and more integrated person. It is from this embodied place, of ongoing learning, curiosity and experience on my own healing journey, that I seek to offer these therapies to others.

After years of yoga and other movement practices, my first bodywork training with the Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Institute gave me an introductory understanding of the physical body. However, in giving and receiving bodywork I have experienced how our emotional and energetic bodies are inextricably linked to the physical, which informs my approach to this work, creating sessions in which people are allowed time and space to connect deeply with themselves through their bodies. Over the years through experience and private tutoring I have picked up elements of other types of bodywork, such as Esalen-inspired ‘Cosmic Bodies’, expanding my vocabulary of touch and I now weave all these techniques together in my integrative bodywork sessions.

As well as this, training with the Abdominal Therapy Collective in Arvigo Abdominal Massage has allowed me to specialise in this area of the body, and in particular women’s health related to our moon cycle. This modality has been hugely transformative for my own healing journey working with digestive issues, very painful periods, stress, anxiety and depressive episodes, and I’m very passionate about sharing this information with other women.

I have been a musician for most of my life, and my upbringing of classical music training has now evolved into the ceremonial and spiritual realms. Often informed by earth-based traditions, my music is medicinal and devotional, my main instruments being the pedal harp, the guitar, and my voice. Training with Hoppi Wimbush in Sound Healing has felt like a natural progression of this journey, utilising my instrumental skill and developed sense of hearing to work with sound as a healing tool. I now work with a large range of instruments in sound healing and offer regular sound baths to the wider West Wales community and on retreats.

Since engaging with the Energy Healing work of Barbara Ann Brennan, a new breadth and depth has been added to my understanding of health on all levels; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. ‘Hands of Light’ energy healing has informed my understanding of the mysterious nature of life, expanding my awareness beyond just the physical and mundane, and I am in ongoing studies with St Raphael’s School of the Healing Arts. Working with the auric field and developing my relationship with the energy centres in the body, the energy of the elements, and energies all around us, forms the fundamental basis which brings together all aspects of my life and my work.